Website info

Current Workshops HERE
Workshops I Teach see HERE
My Website see HERE

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Mt. Home, AR Portrait Workshop

Take a look at the latest posting of a workshop I taught at Hill Country Gallery in Mt. Home , Ar

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Batesville Area Arts Council Faux Batik Workshop

What a wonderful day in the neighborhood......we finally got that much needed rain in Arkansas and things are looking so much greener just in time for me to teach a Watercolor Landscape 8 week class in the Village through the Nation Park Community College Continuing Education.  For information check it out here.

Also while you are checking things out take a look at the creations from the workshop in Batesville last weekend.  They painted some really nice Faux Batik pieces in Watercolor.
Here is a preview picture  

Watch my web site because shortly I will be doing another tutorial which I think you will like.  When school starts I get in the mood to do more.  How about you????

Thursday, August 16, 2012            I have not posted in a while but that does not mean I have just been sitting around.  Have taught a few workshops and am gearing up to teach more.  Be sure to check my web sit for all the latest.

The latest posts are classes and workshops at the Arkansas Arts Center fall session and Natinal Park Community College Continuing Education. So if you want to learn something new or just brush up on your skills come and join me.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Haven't been as faithful at my blog spot lately but thought maybe would catch you up.  You can always go and see my teaching activity on my web site under past events and view students hard at work.  I have so much fun teaching and watching others learn.  I have taught a number of workshops lately in watercolor, abstract and mixed media along with a few jewelry classes and workshops.  I must admit I stay busy but it is all so enjoyable and exciting to travel and meet others along the way.

Most of my past events are current and up to date.  Ben, my son, is so good with my web site.  What a joy to work with him.

So if you want to see the latest check it out at

 Mountain Home, AR April 23 & 24

 MSW Mini-workshop April 21

 NPCC Spring Watercolor Class

 NPCC Spring Jewelry Class

 ORAG (Louisiana) Jewelry Workshop (March)

 Mini Abstract in Watercolor
Broken Arrow, OK (March)

 ORAG (Louisiana) Painting on Yupo Workshop (February)

 Watercolor Portrait, Ark Arts Center (February) 

Ark Arts Center Jewelry Workshop (January)

I can truly say my life is exciting and never boring thanks to so many that want to learn and let me teach them. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Watercolor on Yupo Workshop

Finished a fun workshop with old friends and new ones in West Monroe, LA at the Ouachita River Art Gallery. What creativity went on. Hope it got those that have not been painting in a while jump started. Check it out at
Be sure to click to view all the wonderful pictures of what went on.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I love to see students concentrating on their projects. Sometimes they don't even know I have photographed them.
These were taken at my last jewelry workshop at the Arkansas Arts Center in Little Rock, AR.
Thanks Arts Center for letting me have the workshop there.