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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Student work from assignment

Take a look.  Here is the official first student work from the assignment.  Good job don't you think.  Let's get some feed back and more photos!

Good observation of the surroundings and colors.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Painting Assignment

Well some of my students suggested I make assignments for them to work on while I am taking a leave this semester.

I got to thinking maybe others might find this interesting so will post the assignments on my blog.

So if the spirit moves you try it.  Then share with me what you have created and I can post on my blog.  Have fun!

Well you all asked for it so here is your first assignment.  Be open-minded with these assignments and relax and enjoy creating.  That is the best part, enjoying.  I plan on giving assignments every two weeks.  Would love for you to send me photos of what you do.
Get you a cup of coffee early in the morning and find a comfortable place outdoors and just sit and enjoy and observe the color, light, shapes, temperature, sounds and subtle changes that are going on around you.  Relax and breathe and let this moment in time take over your thinking and feelings.
Before you fall asleep from relaxation go and get your paints out.
You can work indoors but continue to feel the outdoors.  Put on some relaxing music.
Wet a ½ sheet of watercolor paper on both sides or soak for a few minutes in water.  Work real wet and see what the paint will do but first………..
Pull up in your memory the colors and temperatures you just observed outdoors.   Get in the feel of the outdoors and paint that movement, shapes, sound and colors and whatever you observed. 
1.      What color did I observe
2.      Were there warm or cool colors, what was dominate
3.      What shapes did I see
4.      Were they geometric or organic
5.      Was there a lot of texture
6.      Was everything light
7.      Were there lots of dark areas
8.      Was there a horizon line (high or low)
9.      Was it windy or quiet
10.  Are there other questions to ask myself
Don’t work on this piece too long.  See if you can finish within 30 minutes.  Set a timer.  But think and remember what you felt before you put paint to paper.
Remember techniques you have learned.  Could you use some of them in this piece?