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Thursday, February 25, 2010

National Park Community College Continuing Ed. Watercolor Class

Last week I was not able to upload these photos of the Watercolor Class through NPCC Continuing Education here in Hot Springs Village, AR thought I would try again because they are really wonderful pieces to view.  These are all student works. 

Preparing Design on Watercolor Paper before Painting

Enjoyed this week once again.  This time my Intermediate Watercolor Class at the Arkansas Arts Center began putting colored pencil lines and melted parafin as additions to their paper before painting.  They found it relaxing to use the tinging tool like batik artists use. Take a look.

My First Watercolor Video

Here you go my first watercolor video. Hope you can get something from it. Marlene

Thursday, February 18, 2010

More Wonderful Student Works

Yes, I am back again because I could not fit all the wonderful works on my last post. So here are some of the patterned works from the Arkansas Arts Center Intermediate Watercolorists

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Thank goodness this week I was able to have my classes. I did get nervous on Sunday though when it started snowing heavy and lasted for about 3 hours.A good thing the temperature was only around 36. It was certainly a pretty snow though and did stick to the trees and ground but not the road thank goodness. It did turn cold after it quit snowing so we are back to winter once again. It was exciting to see the students back in class. They had been doing some on their own and their works are really looking wonderful and creative. Just had to share some of their pieces. This grouping of pictures are from the Arkansas Arts Center Beginning Watercolor Class. A radial design was the assignment letting the student learn to manipulate their paint brushes, control water or wetness of paint and use a variety of colors and values. What a wonderful job they did.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow day today

Well it is Monday and I am ready to teach but that was brought to a halt. We have 2 inches of snow and it is still coming down. Another make up day will need to be added. This was the day I was going to post some of my students works.....Oh well. I did do something fun this Saturday. I taught two lovely ladies how to wire wrap. They really did a beautiful job so will share those photos today.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Watercolor Lessons Up-dates

Well I am progressing slowly with my pieces but thought I would let you take a look at some of the progress.
The students are actually creating much nicer pieces than me which I am so very proud of them.  Hope to remember to take my camera next week and share some with you.  

Here is the pattern piece I shared last time along with another piece I started with the National Park Community College Continuing Education Class both are not quite finished yet. 

Next is the abstract piece which I am not sure I like it but will continue to work on.

And finally a "radial design" started with the Beginning Watercolor class at the Arkansas Arts Center.  This gives students a chance to design an interesting piece and then have a piece that will give them lots of pactice with using their brush and blending and softening color along with water control.  They may get upset with me before completing their piece because it is a slow process.